My Birth Control Failed: What Do I Do?

Do you feel sure your birth control failed? If anxiety or panic has set in, take a deep breath. There are steps you can take to find the answers you need. And there are people who will help you. First, find out for sure if you are pregnant. Then, decide which option is best for

How Does Abortion End My Pregnancy?

Are you experiencing an unplanned pregnancy? Do you know for sure that you are pregnant? Sometimes, signs of pregnancy, such as nausea and a late period, can be deceptive. Many are also indicators of the flu or an impending period. Before you consider your options, contact Carolina Pregnancy Center for free pregnancy testing. We also

I’ve Had An Abortion And Don’t Want Another. What Are My Options?

If you had an abortion and want different options this time, you can consider either parenting or adoption. First, do you know for sure that you are pregnant? Sometimes, pregnancy symptoms can be deceiving. They can also be signs of the flu or an impending period. At Carolina Pregnancy Center, our experienced medical team can

Why Talk to Us About Abortion?

There is a plethora of information available online regarding abortion. Yet, it’s crucial to understand that abortion involves more than just taking pills or undergoing a simple intervention—it’s a major medical procedure. You are entitled to top-notch support and care, as well as complete information to help you make a decision that you are fully

What Are the Mental Health Effects of Abortion?

Facing an unplanned pregnancy can cause a whole range of emotions. Sometimes, women feel under pressure to make an abortion decision. How do women react to an abortion experience? There’s not one answer because every woman is different. Keep reading for more details on the mental health effects of abortion. If You Are Struggling, You

What Are the Different Types of Abortion?

There are two main types of abortion: medical and surgical.  Medical abortion (the abortion pill) involves taking two drugs to end and expel a pregnancy. In contrast, surgical abortion requires a licensed doctor or physician to surgically end and remove the pregnancy using dilation, surgical tools, and suction. Are you considering an abortion? Schedule an

What Are the Risks of Abortion?

There are two main types of abortion: medical and surgical. Both of them use slightly different methods to end and remove a pregnancy and come with different risks and side effects. Before undergoing a medical procedure or taking a new prescription, it’s critical to evaluate the risks, side effects, and your health history. These steps

Friends for Life June 2022

Dear Friends~ As many of you have probably heard by now, Roe v Wade has been overturned and returned back to the states where it belongs. We want to take this opportunity to celebrate this win. We have all worked towards this moment for over 40 years and we have officially seen the overturning of

Friends for Life May 2022

Dear Friends~ I hardly know where to begin because my heart is so full. Several times in the last few weeks, our staff has gathered in my office to have a time of praise to the Lord for all that He has done and continues to do! At times I have felt like I was drinking His

Friends for Life October 2021

Dear Friends~ I have so much to tell you so I am going to dive right in. First of all, I want to give you an update on our homeless couple. They had their baby and he is precious! In fact, as I type this letter he is here sleeping while his parents are at