What Can Guys Do with an Unplanned Pregnancy?

Your partner just said those two words that changed everything. I’m pregnant. An unplanned pregnancy can be a difficult experience for anyone, even guys. While the focus often falls on the woman carrying the child, you play a vital role, too. Even the smallest actions can make a big difference in supporting your partner during

3 Reasons You Need an Ultrasound Before Abortion

You may think a late period and a positive pregnancy test are all you need before an abortion, but there’s more to know. The best way to get the information you need is with an ultrasound. At Carolina Pregnancy Center, we provide free and confidential ultrasound appointments to clients who meet the criteria set by

What Are the Early Pregnancy Symptoms?

Are you wondering if you might be pregnant? Early pregnancy can bring about a variety of physical and emotional changes, but the signs aren’t always easy to spot. Some women notice almost immediately, while others might not feel any different in the early weeks. Adding to the confusion, many of these signs can also be

3 Things to Know if You Are Considering Mail-Order Abortion

A “mail-order abortion” is also known as the abortion pill method. You take two powerful drugs to end a pregnancy. When you order the drugs through the mail, you run several risks. Plus, the FDA recommends not buying one of the drugs online. Here are three things you need to consider before buying abortion drugs

What is the Abortion Pill?

The abortion pill is one method to end a pregnancy, though it is only FDA-approved through 10 weeks gestation. If you are considering this option, a careful review of the risks and side effects is needed to decide. Before making a decision, keep reading to learn more about this procedure and the essential safety steps.

What Are the Risks of Ordering the Abortion Pill Online?

“Online abortion” is one option for an unplanned pregnancy. However, it comes with numerous health risks and considerations to be aware of. If you are considering ordering the abortion pill online, keep reading to learn more about the potential risks. You deserve the facts, and Carolina Pregnancy Center will help you learn all you need

My Birth Control Failed: What Do I Do?

Do you feel sure your birth control failed? If anxiety or panic has set in, take a deep breath. There are steps you can take to find the answers you need. And there are people who will help you. First, find out for sure if you are pregnant. Then, decide which option is best for

How Does Abortion End My Pregnancy?

Are you experiencing an unplanned pregnancy? Do you know for sure that you are pregnant? Sometimes, signs of pregnancy, such as nausea and a late period, can be deceptive. Many are also indicators of the flu or an impending period. Before you consider your options, contact Carolina Pregnancy Center for free pregnancy testing. We also

I’ve Had An Abortion And Don’t Want Another. What Are My Options?

If you had an abortion and want different options this time, you can consider either parenting or adoption. First, do you know for sure that you are pregnant? Sometimes, pregnancy symptoms can be deceiving. They can also be signs of the flu or an impending period. At Carolina Pregnancy Center, our experienced medical team can

Why Talk to Us About Abortion?

There is a plethora of information available online regarding abortion. Yet, it’s crucial to understand that abortion involves more than just taking pills or undergoing a simple intervention—it’s a major medical procedure. You are entitled to top-notch support and care, as well as complete information to help you make a decision that you are fully