The abortion pill is one method to end a pregnancy, though it is only FDA-approved through 10 weeks gestation. If you are considering this option, a careful review of the risks and side effects is needed to decide.

Before making a decision, keep reading to learn more about this procedure and the essential safety steps. The trusted advocates at Carolina Pregnancy Center are here for you.

How Does the Abortion Pill Work?

The abortion pill (also called “medical abortion”) uses a series of drugs to end a pregnancy.

The first drug is called mifepristone. This drug blocks a hormone called progesterone that sustains the pregnancy. Next, a drug called misoprostol causes the uterus to contract, which expels the pregnancy and tissue from the body.

Not everyone is eligible to take the abortion pill. In addition to a pregnancy being beyond 10 weeks gestation, the following factors can make a woman ineligible to take the drugs:

  • She has an intrauterine device (IUD) currently in place
  • There is a suspected ectopic pregnancy
  • She has certain medical conditions like anemia, some bleeding disorders, chronic adrenal failure, specific heart or blood vessel diseases, severe liver, kidney, or lung disease, or an uncontrolled seizure disorder
  • She takes a blood thinner or some steroid medicines
  • She can’t access follow-up or emergency care
  • She has an allergy to the drug(s) used

If you’re considering this option, it’s also critical to understand the risks and side effects associated with the procedure.

The Side Effects and Risks

When a woman takes abortion drugs, she will experience vaginal bleeding and cramping in the stomach area, which may be severe. Additionally, she could have diarrhea, a headache, fever, chills, vomiting, and an upset stomach as potential side effects.

The abortion pill is associated with certain risks that every woman should be aware of before she makes a decision. These risks include:

  • Digestive symptoms (i.e., upset stomach)
  • Fever
  • Infection
  • Heavy, prolonged bleeding
  • Incomplete abortion (the body does not release all the pregnancy tissue, which may need surgical treatment)

These risks can have long-lasting complications for your health, so speaking with your healthcare provider and discussing this option is critical to making a sound decision. Additionally, you can determine your options and protect your health with an ultrasound.

No-Cost Ultrasounds and Information

Carolina Pregnancy Center provides first-trimester ultrasounds that confirm your pregnancy by determining whether it is progressing, where it is located, and how far along you are. You need these details to understand the available options and seek additional care if needed.

To qualify for a no-cost first-trimester ultrasound, you must receive a positive pregnancy test result at Carolina Pregnancy Center.

Our nurse will then assess your eligibility for an ultrasound. If eligible, she will call you to schedule your ultrasound appointment.

We’ll also discuss your options, including abortion, to ensure you get the facts and are making an informed choice without pressure. This is your pregnancy, and we are here for you.

Schedule a no-cost, confidential appointment today.

Carolina Pregnancy Center does not provide or refer for abortions.

All abortion information sourced in this blog is based on accurate information at the time of writing.