Do you feel sure your birth control failed? If anxiety or panic has set in, take a deep breath.

There are steps you can take to find the answers you need. And there are people who will help you.

First, find out for sure if you are pregnant. Then, decide which option is best for you.

1. Find Out For Sure If You Are Pregnant

Signs of pregnancy, even a missed period, can be deceiving. There can be several reasons you are feeling sick.

A missed period can result from factors other than pregnancy. These include extreme diet or exercise, stress, some types of birth control, or age-related factors.

Our experienced team at Carolina Pregnancy Center can provide you with a free, lab-quality pregnancy test. Our nurse will then assess your eligibility for an ultrasound. If you are eligible, she will call you to schedule an appointment.

Ultrasound is the best way to confirm your pregnancy. Let our caring team provide the answers you need!

2. Consider Your Options

If you are pregnant, there are three options for you. They are parenting, adoption, and abortion.

  • Abortion is the process of ending a pregnancy. There are medical and surgical methods. Learning about the side effects and risks is crucial to making an informed decision.
  • Adoption occurs when the birth mother places her child in an adoptive family to raise. Adoption agencies can walk women through this process and help them make thoughtful decisions.
  • The third option is to keep the baby and parent. Consider whether parenting is right for you and explore available resources.

Carolina Pregnancy Center provides comprehensive information on all these options. We are not here to judge but to give you the facts so that you can make an educated decision.

We can provide you with community referrals to assist with your needs. If you desire to parent, we have a program called Earn While You Learn, which teaches parenting skills and provides needed baby items.

At Carolina Pregnancy Center, we care about you. Contact us for your free appointment today!

All abortion information sourced in this blog is based on accurate information at the time of writing.